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Looking for an Azure Experienced Company?

We don’t just develop; we deliver. Every project we undertake is a promise of quality, efficiency, and reliability.

Trusted by 120+ clients

Business growth and an enhanced customer experience have never been more within reach. An Azure experience company can create apps and modern-day backend databases with easy-to-use tools and services through Azure’s Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud framework. With Azure, you can leverage the scalability and reliability of Microsoft’s trusted cloud.
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What Is Azure?

Azure is a suite of services and tools from Microsoft for building, managing, and developing all types of cloud-based applications. It includes Azure App Service, Azure Functions, and Azure Kubernetes Service for quickly and easily building apps for all major platforms, including web, mobile, and cloud-native apps.

What Types of Applications
Can Be Built Using Azure?

Azure allows companies to build a wide range of applications, including:
With Azure, you can build applications for the web that are accessible via a browser. Such applications can be developed using various Azure services, including Azure SQL, App Service, Static Web Apps, Web Apps, and Azure Active Directory services.
Mobile applications can be built using Azure mobile app services such as Visual Studio App Center, Azure Cosmos DB, and Kubernetes on Azure. Mobile applications can be developed for both Android and iOS devices.
Microservices are a software architecture where individual and multiple services can run in the cloud and are isolated. Azure supports microservices using various platforms, such as Azure Service Fabric and Kubernetes.
AI and ML app development help solve complex problems using advanced algorithms and various data sets. Azure provides AI and ML services such as Azure Machine Learning Studio and Azure Bot Service for building and deploying such applications.
IoT applications connect physical devices and enable them to communicate with one another. They can be built using Azure IoT Hubs, Stream Analytics, and other Azure services.
Big data and analytics applications capture, store, analyze, and visualize large amounts of data. Azure provides various tools for building data solutions, such as Data Factory, Azure ML, and HDInsight.
Serverless applications are built using serverless architecture, where the cloud provider manages the underlying infrastructure. Azure provides serverless application services such as Azure Functions and Logic Apps for building such applications.
Enterprise applications are used for the automation of business processes. Azure provides various tools for building such applications, including Azure Service Bus, Azure Logic Apps, and Azure Functions.
Gaming applications can be built using Azure services such as client and backend services, virtual machines, and data storage. These applications can be developed for both web and mobile devices.
Media and content delivery applications stream video, audio, and other types of digital media. Such applications can be built using Azure Media Services, CDN, and other tools.
E-Commerce applications can be built using Azure App Services, Web Apps, and Azure API Management. These applications can be used for product listing, user authentication, order processing, payment processing, and other tasks.
Blockchain applications are decentralized and secure systems built on top of blockchain technology. Azure provides various services, such as Azure Blockchain Service, Azure Event Grid, and Azure Digital Twins for building blockchain applications.
Data-driven applications gather, store, and analyze large amounts of data. Various Azure services like Data Factory, Stream Analytics, and Data Lake can be used for building such applications.
Team up with WillDom and discover why Azure is ideal for your tech needs: efficient, reliable, and scalable.
WillDom is so resource friendly that we can help your company stay focused on other tasks by building modern applications for you.

What Are the Benefits of
Microsoft Azure for Businesses?

Microsoft Azure enable businesses to scale up their computing infrastructure to meet changing demands quickly. It offers an inventory of services such as computing, databases, storage, networking, and analytics to speed up the development process and the ability to grow or shrink resources as needed.
Microsoft Azure ensures cost-effective operations with a pay-as-you-go model that eliminates upfront costs. It also offers various payment plans, such as pre-paid and monthly billing, allowing organizations to pay only for the needed resources.
Azure guarantees high availability with data replication between multiple nodes, ensuring that applications keep running in the event of hardware or software failure. It also offers automated backups to help organizations recover data in the case of an emergency or system-wide disaster.
Microsoft Azure provides state-of-the-art security measures, such as encryption, identity, and access management, that help protect companies’ data, applications, and services. It also adheres to the most stringent industry and government compliance standards, assisting organizations to achieve legal and regulatory requirements.
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What Companies Use Azure?

WillDom's Azure Services
and Solutions

We can help our customers reach their objectives efficiently and economically with our extensive selection of Azure services and solutions.

Our Azure services and solutions include the following:

We can provide managed services to customers that do not have the resources to manage their own Azure infrastructure. We can set up and monitor applications, databases, and other services on Azure while providing 24/7/365 support.
We deploy reliable Azure solutions that help you protect critical data and workloads from disruptions.
We develop and power apps, providing tools and services to help companies quickly deploy and scale applications.
We design and develop data-driven solutions on Azure. We also migrate data to the cloud and gain insights from that data with big data analytics.
We create a secure environment for your applications and databases on Azure and help you adopt auto-provisioning.
We design and deploy Internet of Things applications on Azure. We also offer services to help customers securely transmit data to and from the cloud.
We create reliable, automated, and secure DevOps pipelines on Azure. We also help customers integrate and manage applications in the cloud.
Get ready to explore Azure's advantages: seamless integration, powerful tools, and unmatched performance.
Contact WillDom to migrate apps from the Legacy software to Azure.

Why Choose WillDom for
Azure Services?

At WillDom, we are committed to providing you with top-notch service and support to ensure maximum productivity and return on investment. We are dedicated to continuous integration, helping you maximize your cloud potential while ensuring your applications meet security standards.

Each WillDom Azure developer has the development expertise on the Azure platform to perform cloud computing and create apps such as web, mobile, and cloud native applications. With WillDom’s Microsoft Azure developers, you can be sure that you’ll get a solution that will maximize the power of the cloud and help your business stay ahead of the competition.

Harness the Power of Microsoft Azure With WillDom's Expert Developers