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WillDom Summit 2023: A Week of Celebrating Success

December 5, 2023


WillDom Summit

This year’s summit, held at IAE Business School in Buenos Aires, Argentina, was a remarkable gathering, bringing together over 70 participants from branches spanning 10 countries. It not only fostered networking and team-building but also set the stage for an exciting year ahead. Crucially, the summit marked a defining moment for Willdom, signaling a strategic shift from transactions to solutions, shaping the company’s dynamic future.

The Experience

Just like last year, the summit was more than a business event; it was a celebration of collaboration and shared goals. Attendees immersed themselves in a five-day journey filled with training sessions, team-building activities, and valuable networking opportunities.

The Importance of In-Person Connection

In a world dominated by remote work, the significance of in-person events cannot be overstated. Beyond the scheduled events, the summit created a distinctive environment, enabling passionate professionals to connect on a personal level. This unique camaraderie not only enhances team cohesion but also sparks creative collaborations and fosters a positive ripple effect throughout the entire company.

Cross-Branch Collaboration Opportunities

The summit highlighted the potential for cross-branch collaboration, a sentiment echoed by our branch directors and chief officers. The shared cultural affinity within the Latam talent pool positions us as an excellent choice for US companies, making collaboration between branches seamless. With the right talent, tools, and technology, the branches have positioned themselves to close out 2023 achieving the goals they set at the beginning of the year.

Insights and Collaborative Dynamics

Executives were enthusiastic about the valuable insights garnered from a diverse pool of participants. Within WillDom’s collaborative environment, proactive communication flourished, underscoring the critical need to uphold this culture as the company continues to expand.

“At WillDom, our strength lies in the power of our team together. It’s crucial to amp up our teamwork skills to build real connections and make sure everyone is part of the game.” 

CEO and Co-Founder, Andres Perea

Summit 2023 Experience

Sergio Lampe and Héctor Isoldi, from mb&l Consultores, were part of the Summit and their insights shed light on the strategic shift towards consultative selling within WillDom’s commercial ecosystem. Sergio views this transformation as a challenging yet necessary journey, expressing confidence in WillDom’s ability to adapt successfully. In Sergio’s words: 

“Although transitioning to this new approach poses a challenge for many at WillDom, I am convinced of their ability to adapt to this evolving commercial landscape, maintaining their customary success in current operations”

Dynamic Collaboration in Business

To Sergio, WillDom represents a dynamic platform that aims to leverage the collective knowledge and experience within its ecosystem. The current strategic challenge focuses on deepening the range of solutions to address critical business issues for clients.

“WillDom is not just a company; it’s a collaborative force that inspires confidence in its ability to adapt, evolve, and excel in the ever-changing business landscape.”

Co-Founder mb&l Consultores, Sergio Lampe

Moving Forward

As the summit concluded, all participants could emphasize the immense potential within the WillDom ecosystem. With a strong team, a collaborative environment, and a commitment to co-create value, WillDom is set to achieve new heights. 

As we step into the exciting terrain of 2024, we’re not just foreseeing challenges, we’re gearing up for a thrilling showdown with a host of new service offerings, cutting-edge verticals, inventive ideas, and dynamic teams. Our sights are set not just on overcoming hurdles but on turning them into stepping stones. The best is yet to come!

Stay Connected

Relive the best moments from the WillDom Summit on our YouTube channel and follow our post-event activities on LinkedIn. Interested in joining our team or becoming a branch? Visit us at and be part of our thriving ecosystem.

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