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Top 5 Challenges in Healthcare IT Outsourcing

February 16, 2024


WillDom is a top healthcare system development outsourcing service provider!

Information technology (IT) shapes patient care, operational efficiency, and innovation. Consequently, healthcare organizations are increasingly turning to outsourcing as a strategic solution. However, building a high-caliber IT team can be stressful when you are unaware of the common challenges most face in their outsourcing journeys.

Keep reading to learn about some of the most common challenges in healthcare IT outsourcing.

What Is Healthcare IT Outsourcing?

Healthcare IT encompasses the vast array of technological tools and systems used to manage patient information, track healthcare resources, deliver care, and streamline clinical and administrative processes within the healthcare sector. Healthcare IT outsourcing strategically delegates these IT functions and services to external vendors or partners.

How Outsourcing Can Help Improve Healthcare IT Operations?

By entrusting IT functions to specialized external partners, healthcare facilities can transcend the limitations of their in-house capabilities and embrace a world of new benefits. Some of these benefits include:

Cost reduction and financial flexibility 

Subcontracting converts fixed IT costs into variable costs, providing financial flexibility. Organizations can avoid significant capital expenditures on IT infrastructure and staffing by reallocating resources to critical healthcare services. This model allows for paying only for services used, optimizing budget allocation.

Access to specialized expertise

Outsourcing partners bring a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of specific requirements, regulations, and emerging technologies, ensuring that healthcare providers benefit from top-tier expertise and innovative solutions.

Scalability and adaptability

Healthcare demands can fluctuate dramatically, and subcontracting offers the agility to scale IT operations up or down as needed. This flexibility ensures that IT capabilities can adapt to changing demands without hiring or laying off staff, providing a seamless response to varying patient loads and service requirements.

Enhanced focus on core functions 

Hiring out IT operations removes the distraction of managing complex IT issues, allowing staff to devote more time and resources to clinical services and patient engagement and improving overall care quality.

Risk management and compliance 

Healthcare IT has regulatory compliance requirements and security risks. Externalized partners specialize in managing these risks, staying abreast of regulatory changes, and implementing robust security measures to protect patient data. They mitigate potential risks and ensure compliance with industry standards like HIPAA.

Common Challenges of IT Outsourcing in the Healthcare Industry

While offshoring IT functions presents numerous benefits, it also introduces challenges that organizations must navigate carefully. Understanding and addressing these challenges is critical to forming successful outsourcing partnerships that enhance operations without compromising service quality or patient care.

#1 Data security and privacy concerns

Handling sensitive patient data makes security and privacy a paramount challenge. The risk of data breaches and non-compliance with regulations such as HIPAA can have serious repercussions.

To mitigate these risks, organizations must ensure their outsourcing partners have robust security protocols, undergo regular security audits, and comply with regulations. Clear contractual agreements specifying the responsibilities and liabilities related to data security are essential.

#2 Integration complexity

Healthcare systems are often complex ecosystems of interrelated applications and data sources. Subcontracting IT functions can introduce challenges in integrating new systems with existing infrastructure, leading to potential disruptions in workflows and data continuity.

Overcoming this challenge requires selecting partners with proven experience handling complex integrations and conducting thorough planning and testing to ensure seamless system interoperability.

#3 Potential loss of control

Offshoring can lead to concerns about losing control over IT operations and decision-making, particularly in areas critical to patient care and data handling.

To address this, healthcare organizations should seek partnerships that offer transparency, regular communication, and mechanisms for oversight. Establishing clear service level agreements (SLAs) and maintaining an active role in strategic IT decisions can help retain essential control.

#4 Cultural and communication barriers

When externalized partners are located in different countries or regions, differences in language, culture, and business practices can lead to misunderstandings and inefficiencies.

Overcoming these barriers involves choosing partners with a proven track record of successfully navigating cultural differences and implementing strong communication practices, including regular meetings, clear documentation, and collaborative tools.

#5 Ensuring quality and compliance

Maintaining high-quality IT services that comply with healthcare standards and regulations is challenging when utilizing third-party services. There is a need for continuous monitoring and assessment of the external partner’s performance against agreed-upon criteria.

Organizations should establish comprehensive quality assurance processes, regular performance reviews, and contingency plans for non-compliance or service failures.

WillDom, unlike other outsourcing companies, goes above and beyond to ensure client satisfaction!

Key Technologies Transforming Healthcare Through Outsourcing

Healthcare is being profoundly transformed by a wave of technological innovations, many of which are accelerated through strategic outsourcing partnerships. These technologies enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of services and open new frontiers in patient care and operational excellence.

Here are five key technologies that are reshaping the industry through outsourcing:

Cloud computing

Cloud computing enables organizations to store vast amounts of data securely and access computing resources on demand, facilitating everything from telemedicine to big data analytics. Cloud platforms also support deploying other advanced technologies, providing a foundation for innovation and collaboration.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

Hiring out these sophisticated technologies allows for leveraging AI-driven insights for improved diagnostic accuracy, treatment plans, and patient outcomes without deep in-house AI expertise.

Internet of medical things (IoMT): 

Subcontracting the development and management of IoMT solutions enables organizations to benefit from remote monitoring technologies and wearable devices, enhancing patient engagement and care continuity.


Blockchain technology offers a secure, decentralized platform for managing health records, ensuring data integrity, and facilitating seamless information exchange across healthcare providers. Organizations can implement tamper-proof record-keeping systems by outsourcing blockchain initiatives, improving data security, and streamlining administrative processes.

Telehealth and telemedicine 

Outsourcing the development and management of telehealth solutions allows healthcare providers to offer convenient, accessible, and cost-effective care, expanding their reach and transforming the patient care model.

Selecting Your Ideal Healthcare IT Outsourcing Partner

The outsourcing market is tough to navigate, and the repercussions of a mismatched partnership can range from compromised patient data privacy and spiraling costs to operational disruptions that could tarnish your reputation. 

It’s essential for healthcare professionals to approach this selection process strategically and methodically, ensuring their chosen partner aligns with their organizational goals.

Here are seven steps to help you find your ideal service provider:

1. Define your requirements

Clearly articulate your needs, goals, and expectations. This includes identifying the services you need to outsource, your current internal resources, the level of support you expect, and any specific technologies or compliance standards critical to your operations.

2. Research potential partners 

Conduct thorough research to create a short list of potential outsourcing partners. Look for companies with a strong track record in healthcare IT, paying close attention to their expertise in your required services, experience, and regulations.

3. Evaluate compliance and security measures 

Ensure that any potential partner has robust security protocols, especially when working with electronic health records, and is compliant with global healthcare regulations. This step is crucial to protecting patient data and avoiding regulatory violations.

4. Assess technical expertise and experience

Examine each potential partner’s technical capabilities and experience. Look for evidence of their ability to handle projects similar to yours, their use of the latest technologies, and their approach to innovation.

5. Check references and case studies

Request and review references, case studies, and testimonials from the outsourcing company’s current and past clients. This will give you insights into their performance, reliability, and the quality of their work.

6. Discuss communication and collaboration practices

Communication is vital in any partnership. Discuss how the outsourcing company manages communication and collaboration, ensuring transparent processes for regular updates, reporting, and handling any issues that may arise.

7. Negotiate terms and SLAs 

Once you’ve selected a potential partner, negotiate the terms of your agreement, including service level agreements (SLAs), pricing, and any specific requirements you have. Ensure these terms are documented and agreed upon by both parties.

WillDom offers unparalleled outsourcing services for healthcare companies.

Successfully Manage Healthcare IT Challenges with WillDom!

Selecting the right IT healthcare outsourcing service provider can pave the way for a successful and transformative outsourcing experience. With a strong focus on innovation, compliance, and quality, WillDom offers tailored IT solutions that address the unique challenges of the healthcare industry. Embrace the future of healthcare with WillDom and unlock the full potential of your organization.

Contact WillDom today to explore how we can support your journey toward efficient, secure, and innovative IT solutions!

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