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Everything You Need To Know About Life As A Freelance Developer

September 4, 2023


WillDom can help a freelance programmer find new projects with big clients!

The digital age has ushered in many opportunities for mobile and web developers, with freelancing at the forefront. 

For many, being a freelance developer is synonymous with freedom, flexibility, and financial independence. But what does the journey of freelance professionals actually entail? Let’s dive into the realities of this career choice.

What Is Freelancing?

Freelancing refers to offering one’s skills and services to clients on a project-by-project basis rather than being employed by a single company on a long-term, salaried basis.

When did freelancing begin?

The term “Freelance” first appeared in Thomas N. Brown’s novel “The Life and Times of Hugh Miller” (1809) when talking about medieval soldiers. Afterward, Frank Schiff and Jack Nilles contributed to the term when the latter coined “telecommuting.” 

Though it started with the idea of telephones being used due to transportation issues, it later switched to the “work-from-home” concept. 

Freelancing is no longer about being at the king’s command through the highest bid. However, the idea of offering one’s services remains.

What is the allure of freelancing?

At first glance, freelancing seems like the dream job. Choose the projects that resonate with you, set your hours, and work from the comfort of your home or a beach in Bali. The autonomy of being your boss is undeniably attractive.

Are freelancing and self-employment the same?

Though both terms are often indistinct, self-employment refers to professionals with sole business ownership or partnerships. So, while every freelancer is self-employed, not every self-employed worker is a freelancer.

Reality as a Freelance Developer

From creating the perfect workspace to navigating the unpredictable financial terrain, a freelance developer’s life is a blend of technical prowess and entrepreneurial spirit. 

Whether you’re considering this career path or are already on it, understanding these aspects is crucial to thriving in the freelance ecosystem.

The practical aspects of freelancing

Venturing into the world of freelance talent requires more than just expertise in a particular field. It’s about setting up an environment conducive to productivity, equipping oneself with the right tools, and understanding the nuances of self-employment.

Let’s delve into the practicalities that every freelance developer should know:

  • Workspace setup: A distraction-free environment, whether a dedicated home office or co-working space, is crucial. This space should be ergonomically designed, well-lit, and equipped with all necessary amenities.
  • Tools and software: Depending on the nature of the work, freelancers might need specific software, high-speed internet, a reliable computer, and other devices to ensure efficiency and professionalism.
  • Self-promotion: Building a personal brand is essential. This includes creating a portfolio, maintaining an active online presence, and networking to attract potential clients.
  • Time management: Without a traditional 9-5 structure, freelance web developers must set their schedules, ensuring they allocate time for work, breaks, and personal commitments.

Challenges faced by freelance developers

While freelancing offers numerous advantages, it’s not without its hurdles. From fluctuating incomes to managing client expectations, freelance developers often navigate a maze of challenges that go beyond coding. Some of these challenges include: 

  • Inconsistent income: Unlike salaried jobs, freelancers might face months of high income followed by dry spells. Not all companies like to hire freelance developers, and financial planning is essential.
  • Multiple roles: Freelancers often juggle roles like marketer, accountant, and customer service, stretching their skill set beyond development.
  • Client management: From scope creep to delayed payments, managing client expectations and relationships can be daunting.
  • Isolation: Working solo can sometimes lead to feelings of loneliness or disconnect from the industry.

The rewards and benefits of being a freelance developer

Beyond the challenges, working as a freelance web developer offers a plethora of rewards. Here are some of the perks of becoming a freelance software developer:

  • Autonomy: The ability to choose projects that resonate, set rates, and define work hours.
  • Diverse opportunities: Exposure to various industries and projects can lead to a richer portfolio and broader skill set.
  • Work-life balance: The flexibility to work from anywhere and set schedules that align with personal commitments.
  • Financial upside: With the right strategies and client base, freelancers can earn more than their salaried counterparts.

The financial implications a freelance developer faces

Financial stability is a significant concern for many freelancers. Understanding the economic landscape, from setting rates to managing taxes, is essential for a sustainable freelance career.

  • Rate setting: Researching market rates, evaluating one’s skill set, and understanding client budgets are vital in setting competitive yet profitable rates.
  • Budgeting: With an irregular income, having a budget and setting aside savings for lean months is crucial.
  • Taxes: Freelancers must be aware of tax obligations, potential deductions, and the importance of timely submissions.
  • Contracts and invoicing: Clear arrangements outlining deliverables, payment terms, and other clauses protect freelancers from potential disputes. Regular invoicing and follow-ups ensure timely payments.

The Key to Success as a Freelance Developer

Thriving as a freelance developer goes beyond technical expertise. It requires a blend of soft skills, a growth mindset, and a proactive approach to continuously evolve in the dynamic tech landscape.

  • Continuous learning: The tech world is ever-evolving. Staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is paramount.
  • Resilience: Rejections and setbacks are part of the journey. Bouncing back and learning from failures is crucial.
  • Networking: Building relationships with peers, clients, and industry experts can open doors to new opportunities.
  • Organizational skills: Managing multiple projects, deadlines, and administrative tasks requires meticulous organization.

Partnering with a staff augmentation company can alleviate the stress

Staff augmentation firms bridge the gap between a web developer and clients, ensuring a steady stream of projects. No more hassling with marketing or chasing after payments. 

These companies handle the administrative side of things, allowing you to focus solely on mobile or web development.

They also provide access to a broader network of companies wanting to hire developers, opening doors to diverse projects. Plus, they often offer opportunities for training and skill enhancement. They provide the stability of a regular job while retaining the benefits of freelancing.

We Can Help You Skyrocket Your Career as a Developer!

Why struggle in the freelance business when, with your technical skills, you can achieve the extraordinary? At WillDom, we offer the stability freelancing lacks; we’re your partner in success. 

With our extensive network of top-tier clients looking to hire developers and a community of like-minded talent, you’re poised to elevate your career to unparalleled heights.

Reach out to WillDom now to skyrocket your career in software development!

And if you are a company searching for an exceptional development team to drive your projects forward, look no further! At WillDom, we connect you with a curated pool of elite talent, ensuring you get the best fit for your technical needs. A great software developer is not easy to come by.

Contact WillDom today to look at our past projects and build a team of the best professionals in the industry!

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