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Staff Augmentation vs. Outsourcing: Which is Right for My Business?

May 6, 2023


Outsourcing and staff augmentation are the future of staffing solutions in the IT industry.

Are you searching for the most efficient way to scale your IT capabilities and ensure your projects meet their deadlines? Have you had enough of the endless cycle of recruiting, training, and managing IT staff, only to find yourself still facing project delays and budget overruns? 

It’s frustrating, isn’t it? Feeling stuck as you try to expand your team, knowing that every moment lost is an opportunity missed.

We’ve all faced these challenges at one point or another. That’s why, with our understanding of the complexities of IT staffing, we are here to introduce you to two of the best recruitment trends in the industry to choose from: staff augmentation and outsourcing.

What Is the Staff Augmentation Model?

The staff augmentation model allows businesses to temporarily enhance their in-house teams with specialized talent sourced externally. It helps obtain the necessary personnel for software development projects without a long-term commitment. Businesses can hire a company to source and manage the right personnel that fit their requirements.

For example, imagine a startup specializing in web development contracted to create a complex mobile app for a major client. Their team is proficient in web technologies but lacks mobile development experience. By engaging a staff augmentation service provider, they can quickly hire seasoned mobile developers to work alongside their existing team for the duration of the project.

What are the Pros of Staff Augmentation?

Staff augmentation does an excellent job at filling the gap between the current capabilities of a company’s permanent staff and the skills required to complete specific projects successfully. It’s an industry-favorite recruitment strategy, as it can be highly advantageous for companies needing to scale quickly.

Below are some of the main benefits of adopting this strategy:


Increased productivity

This strategy is an investment in qualified and experienced personnel to maximize efficiency and help your business reach its peak success.

Scalability and flexibility

For businesses looking to customize their workforce to suit the demands of their projects, the team enhancement approach allows companies to adjust their staffing levels as their requirements change.

Cost savings

Businesses can benefit from staff augmentation- a cost-effective alternative, rather than spending time and resources on recruiting, hiring, and managing a full-time employee.

Access to specialized skills

Whether to bridge a skills gap or take advantage of specific competencies, this strategy provides a means of sourcing the necessary capabilities.

What are the Disadvantages of Staff Augmentation?

While staff augmentation can be a strategic advantage for companies looking to temporarily expand their capabilities, it requires careful management to avoid potential pitfalls that can impact success. It’s vital for companies to be aware of these cons when considering it as a staffing solution.

Here are some of the common challenges associated with staff augmentation:


Hidden costs

The risk of unforeseen expenses can be a significant obstacle in project preparation, as overlooking this factor could lead to costly delays.

Be prepared for unexpected expenses and keep a close dialogue with your service provider to guarantee that you and they agree with all pricing arrangements.

Poor quality of work

When the quality of work does not meet the agreed-upon standard, stakeholders may experience feelings of frustration and discontent. This can lead to prolonged timelines and additional costs, leaving all parties unsatisfied.

Thoroughly explore the backgrounds of the companies you are considering to ensure they have the expertise to uphold excellence in the workplace.

Lack of trust

Trust is essential for creating the synergy necessary for teams to flourish. Without it, relationships become strained, and cohesion is difficult to achieve.

Build a solid rapport with the external team to ensure everyone is united in achieving shared objectives.

Poor communication

An inability to communicate effectively can lead to a breakdown in team dynamics. Misunderstandings arise, inhibiting teamwork and unity.

Establish the project’s boundaries from the get-go to avoid miscommunication and ensure everyone is on the same page.

When you work with a top IT staff augmentation company like WillDom, you will never feel the effects of poor communication. Our process is incredibly transparent, and our staff is always willing to answer any questions.

When is Staff Augmentation the Best Choice?

Staff augmentation can be an incredibly effective solution when traditional hiring processes or outsourcing do not meet the required needs. It provides the flexibility and expertise required on a per-project basis, helping to manage costs while increasing productivity.

Here are three specific scenarios where staff augmentation might be the optimal choice:

Rapid scaling for project demands

If your company has a large project that requires more hands or specific skills that your current internal team lacks, staff augmentation is a quick solution to scale up. This is often the case for IT projects with tight deadlines or projects that are larger than what your current workforce can handle. Look for signs like project backlogs and extended overtime, which indicate that your team is currently stretched too thin.

Covering for temporary absences

This team expansion approach is ideal for covering temporary gaps in your workforce due to maternity leaves, sabbaticals, or long-term illnesses. Instead of redistributing the workload among existing employees, which can lead to burnout or reduced productivity, you can bring in temporary replacements. It ensures continuity in critical roles and projects and a seamless transition until the regular staff member returns.

Testing the waters for future expansion

When considering expanding into new markets or technologies, staff augmentation allows you to test the viability of such moves without fully committing to them from the start. For example, if your business is exploring the possibility of adding new service lines, you can use augmented staff to pilot these initiatives and then make permanent staffing decisions based on concrete data and experiences.

A project outsourcing company can help you find the perfect dedicated team.

What Is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing is the process of hiring an outside firm or individual to handle a business process or task that would usually be handled by the in-house team while still retaining complete control of the project. It is often used as an effective way to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and increase a company’s focus on core competencies.

What are The Advantages of Project Outsourcing?

By outsourcing non-core activities, businesses can allocate more resources and attention to areas that offer the most strategic value. As a staffing model, it offers various advantages that might be otherwise inaccessible to companies looking to scale.

Below are some of the benefits outsourcing has to offer:


Increased focus on core competencies

Outsourcing can reduce the stress on the existing team, allowing them to focus on the company’s core competencies. This can help reduce burnout, improve morale, and increase job satisfaction.

Access to a global talent pool

Outsourcing allows companies to access a global talent pool, enabling them to recruit and hire people from anywhere in the world. This provides access to a wide range of skills and expertise, allowing for improved innovation and creativity.

Increased efficiency

By acquiring an outsourced development team with specific technical expertise, companies can reduce overhead costs and increase efficiency. This can reduce the time and money spent on non-essential tasks and processes, allowing the company to remain agile and responsive to market changes.


Outsourcing can also lead to increased innovation by using the skills and expertise of outside firms to develop new products and services, keeping the company ahead of the competition.

What are the Disadvantages of Project Outsourcing?

Outsourcing also comes with its own set of challenges that can impact its effectiveness if not considered. Organizations need to be aware of these potential pitfalls to manage them proactively and ensure that their outsourcing efforts are successful.

Here are some of the common issues that may arise with outsourcing:

Communication issues

Outsourcing to a different country or region can lead to potential cultural differences, like language barriers, making it difficult to communicate and manage the project effectively.

Ensure that everyone involved in the outsourcing process knows the language and cultural differences between locations to minimize potential communication issues.

Legal issues

Companies must know the various laws and regulations that could affect their outsourcing agreements. This includes data protection, intellectual property rights, and labor laws.

Thoroughly research the laws and regulations of the region you are outsourcing to and ensure that both parties know and comply with them.

Data breaches

Companies must ensure their data and systems are secure and protected when outsourcing to a third-party provider.

Confirm if your outsourcing firm has robust security protocols to protect any confidential information shared.

With WillDom, for example, you can rest assured that your data is protected with our enterprise-grade security systems and protocols.

Time zone differences

Working with a provider in a different time zone can lead to challenges in scheduling meetings and meeting deadlines.

Take into consideration the time zone differences between locations when scheduling meetings to ensure they are at times that are convenient for both parties.

When is Outsourcing the Best Choice?

Outsourcing streamlines operations and enhances access to innovative technologies and processes. Identifying when outsourcing is the most effective solution is crucial for maximizing its benefits and ensuring alignment with business objectives.

Here are three distinct situations where outsourcing may be the best choice for a company:

Cost-effective scaling

When a business experiences fluctuating demand, maintaining a full-time staff to handle peak periods can be costly and inefficient. Outsourcing allows for flexible scaling, adapting resource levels to current needs without the financial burden of permanent hires. A project manager should consider this option when they notice significant swings in workload, such as seasonal spikes in demand.

Need for advanced technology

If a project requires advanced technology or infrastructure that is too expensive or complex to implement in-house, outsourcing to a provider who already possesses these can be a smart move. This is often the case for small to medium-sized businesses that need to use sophisticated technology to stay competitive but find the cost of acquiring and maintaining such technology inaccessible.

Regulatory compliance and risk management

Industries that are heavily regulated may find it advantageous to outsource certain operations to specialists who are up-to-date with the latest regulations and compliance standards. This is particularly relevant in fields such as finance, healthcare, and pharmaceuticals, where non-compliance can lead to significant penalties.

WillDom's staff augmentation services allow software development companies to meet their staffing demands.

What Types of Roles are Commonly Outsourced in the Tech Industry?

There are a range of roles that can be outsourced in the tech industry, including:

  • Full-stack developers
  • Mobile app developers
  • DevOps engineers
  • Web designers & developers
  • UX/UI designers
  • QA analysts 
  • Automation testers
  • Technical support specialists
  • System administrators
  • Data scientists and analysts
  • Business intelligence analysts
  • Security engineers
  • Ethical hackers
  • Cloud engineers
  • Project managers

What Is the Difference Between Staff Augmentation and Outsourcing?

Choosing between staff augmentation and outsourcing depends on various factors. Both models offer unique advantages and cater to different business needs, but they operate under fundamentally different paradigms. Understanding the distinctions between these two approaches can help businesses make informed decisions about which is best for them.

Here are seven primary differences between staff augmentation and outsourcing:

Aspect Staff Augmentation Outsourcing
Control over staff Businesses maintain control over their augmented personnel, directing them as part of their existing teams and using their internal management structures. Control over the team is given to the outsourcing provider, which manages how their employees fulfill the tasks or projects required by their clients.
Integration Augmented staff integrate directly into the company’s existing teams, working alongside permanent employees and following the same company culture and policies. Outsourced teams often work independently from the client company, typically operating under the management and cultural practices of their own organization.
Cost structure The cost structure is generally variable, depending on the number of employees augmented and the duration of their engagement. Outsourcing usually involves a fixed contract with predefined costs that cover the complete management and execution of a project or function.
Skill specialization This approach is often used to temporarily fill specific skill gaps within a team, adding expertise that is not inherently available in-house. Outsourcing is used to take advantage of broader skill sets and capabilities that an external organization can provide, often encompassing entire functions or projects.
Objective The primary objective is to enhance an existing team’s capacity or capabilities without altering the team’s fundamental structure. The goal is to delegate entire business processes or projects to reduce the burden on internal resources, allowing companies to focus more on core business areas.
Scalability Scalability is high as it allows businesses to easily scale up or down based on immediate project needs and workforce demands. While outsourcing provides some level of scalability, changes often require renegotiation of contracts and adjustments in service scope, which can be less flexible than staff augmentation.
Project management Project management remains in-house, with company leaders or managers overseeing the augmented staff’s contributions to projects. Project management is typically handled by the outsourcing provider, who ensures that the project objectives are met according to the agreed terms and performance standards.

Which one is right for my business?

The best option for your business depends on your specific needs. Employee augmentation is a good choice for short-term projects that require particular skills and expertise. At the same time, an outsourced team is better suited to long-term projects that need to be handled continuously.

What to Consider when Choosing Between Staff Augmentation and Outsourcing?

When choosing between staff augmentation vs. outsourcing for a software development project, it’s essential to consider both short and long-term ramifications. To make the most informed decision, ask yourself the following questions:

Short term

  • Immediate resource needs: Are there any immediate needs that must be addressed? How many team members are needed to meet the immediate resource needs? Who is currently available to fill the immediate resource needs?
  • Project timeline: What is the timeline for the project? How quickly do the resources need to be acquired? Are there any foreseeable delays in the project timeline?
  • Budget constraints: What is the budget for the project? How much is the budget for team expansion or outsourcing? Can it meet the budget constraints while still getting the desired outcome?
  • Management capacity: What is the current management capacity? Are there enough staff members to oversee staff augmentation or outsourcing? Is there enough training available for the staff to manage staff augmentation or outsourcing?

Long term

  • Knowledge retention: How will knowledge be retained when using talent augmentation or outsourcing? What measures will be taken to ensure learning is maintained? How can the knowledge be transferred to our business?
  • Intellectual property and data security: What measures will be taken to protect the company’s intellectual property and data? How can the company ensure that the staff augmentation or outsourcing provider will not misuse or steal the company’s data or intellectual property? What is the process for verifying that the provider complies with data security standards?
  • Scalability: How easily can personnel enhancement or outsourcing be scaled up or down? Is there enough flexibility in the team augmentation or outsourcing model to accommodate future changes in resource needs? What is the process for increasing or decreasing the number of staff members?
  • Core competencies: What are the core competencies of the team augmentation or outsourcing provider? Can the company provide the necessary resources for the project? Is the outsourcing provider knowledgeable in your industry?
Outsourcing projects and acquiring managed services is less expensive than hiring permanent employees.

Making the Right Choice – Let Willdom Help!

Are you torn between staff augmentation and outsourcing? Let WillDom take the guesswork out of the equation! Our experienced IT personnel will help you evaluate your budget, timeline, and requirements to determine which option is most beneficial for your business.

Contact WillDom today or visit us on our LinkedIn page to find the right IT staffing solution for your company!


1. Can entire projects be outsourced?

Yes, entire projects can be outsourced. Ideal scenarios for project outsourcing include complex, one-off projects, projects requiring a diverse set of skills, projects with tight deadlines, and projects with limited internal resources.

2. Can staff augmentation and outsourcing be combined?

Yes, staff augmentation and outsourcing can be combined. For example, a company may outsource a particular task or project to a third-party vendor while also bringing in additional staff on a contract basis to assist with the entire project. By combining staff augmentation and outsourcing, businesses can access the necessary operational efficiency while keeping costs down.

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